
About Our Editorial TeamFundera exists to help small business owners make smarter financial decisions. Through our content, we provide objective, accurate, and accessible advice for every entrepreneur looking to navigate the complicated world of running a small business. Our editorial team strives to provide not only the most accurate, up-to-date, and unbiased information available, but also the most accessible and honest information.Learn more about the editorial team behind our content

Articles by Fundera

This Hollywood Executive Launched Her Business By Taking The Path of Most Resistance
This Pearl Harbor Tour Operator Treats His Customers “Like Family”
Teamwork, Dedication, and Elbow Grease: How This Young Entrepreneur Launched a Taco Empire
Jacqui Pitman, Hollywood casting director and producer, has been the creative force behind popular reality television shows and characters for 20 years.
With the money secured through Fundera, Kaka completed the development of the Pearl Harbor Tours website and put down a deposit on four tour vehicles.
What began as the seed of an idea soon became Tacoholics, a wildly popular food truck and, eventually, three brick-and-mortar locations around New Jersey.
How This Business Owner Left Corporate America to Become a Health-Food Entrepreneur
Meet the Entrepreneur Ushering Vinyl Into the 21st Century
How This Fashion Entrepreneur Is Making Quality Clothing Accessible to the Masses
Here's how Will Anderson, founder and CEO of Acai of America, broke into the market of pure acai pulp sourced straight from the Brazilian Amazon.
For VNYL founder and CEO Nick Alt, nailing down an unusual combination of software and retail took time, experimentation, and lots of love-driven labor.
Mare-Mare owner Maria Salcino knows starting a fashion business takes more than loving the industry and a desire to design and produce quality clothing.
This Hollywood Executive Launched Her Business By Taking The Path of Most Resistance
This Hollywood Executive Launched Her Business By Taking The Path of Most Resistance
Jacqui Pitman, Hollywood casting director and producer, has been the creative force behind popular reality television shows and characters for 20 years.
This Pearl Harbor Tour Operator Treats His Customers “Like Family”
This Pearl Harbor Tour Operator Treats His Customers “Like Family”
With the money secured through Fundera, Kaka completed the development of the Pearl Harbor Tours website and put down a deposit on four tour vehicles.
Teamwork, Dedication, and Elbow Grease: How This Young Entrepreneur Launched a Taco Empire
Teamwork, Dedication, and Elbow Grease: How This Young Entrepreneur Launched a Taco Empire
What began as the seed of an idea soon became Tacoholics, a wildly popular food truck and, eventually, three brick-and-mortar locations around New Jersey.
How This Business Owner Left Corporate America to Become a Health-Food Entrepreneur
How This Business Owner Left Corporate America to Become a Health-Food Entrepreneur
Here's how Will Anderson, founder and CEO of Acai of America, broke into the market of pure acai pulp sourced straight from the Brazilian Amazon.
Meet the Entrepreneur Ushering Vinyl Into the 21st Century
Meet the Entrepreneur Ushering Vinyl Into the 21st Century
For VNYL founder and CEO Nick Alt, nailing down an unusual combination of software and retail took time, experimentation, and lots of love-driven labor.
How This Fashion Entrepreneur Is Making Quality Clothing Accessible to the Masses
How This Fashion Entrepreneur Is Making Quality Clothing Accessible to the Masses
Mare-Mare owner Maria Salcino knows starting a fashion business takes more than loving the industry and a desire to design and produce quality clothing.

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